American Council of Engineering Companies of Connecticut (ACEC/CT) is the leading organization for the business and professional interests of consulting engineering firms in Connecticut.
ACEC/CT offers a variety of programs and services for those who contract with engineering firms to perform professional services, or for those who simply have a question about the different types of engineering services that are available today. ACEC/CT is a member organization of the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC), representing over 55,000 engineering firms throughout the country. |
Featured image: Bridge Restoration
Special Programs
Scholarships2024 ACEC-CT Scholarship
Up to three $2,500 scholarships will be awarded to students attending a Connecticut high school or currently enrolled in an engineering-related college program. Deadline for Submission: April 15, 2024 |
Awards |
SponsorshipsACEC-CT is pleased to offer an exceptional promotional opportunity for firms to be recognized at ACEC-CT meetings and in member communications.
includes recognition at events, one free registration per meeting, promotion on meeting flyers, promotion in newsletters, and more Download application form. |
Board of Directors
Executive Directors
Lisa Winkler Co-Executive Director |
Tricia Priebe Co-Executive Director |
Executive Committee Officers
Steven Drechsler Benesch |
Kevin Hussain AI Engineers |
Mike Oliver STV |
Jake Argiro HNTB |
Past President
Scott Delesdernier Michael Baker Int'l |
National Director Robert Yirigian WSP Alternate National Director Ted von Rosenvinge GeoDesign |