Engineering Excellence Awards Gala
Monday, January 22, 2024
Aqua Turf
556 Mulberry St, Plantsville, CT 06479
MC - Scott Hill, P.E.
Bureau Chief and Chief Engineer
Bureau of Engineering & Construction, CTDOT
Cocktail/Social Hour: 5:30-6:30 pm (open bar during this hour)
Dinner: 6:30-7:15 pm
Awards Presentation: 7:30-8:30 pm
Join ACEC-CT In Celebrating Connecticut’s Outstanding Engineering Projects
This program offers our award winners a well-deserved recognition from their peers. CT EEA winners will qualify for the National Event which is the academy awards of the engineering industry. Firm staff, clients, consultants and guests are welcome and encouraged to attend.
ACEC-CT Members & EEA Project Owners- $90
Non-ACEC-CT Members - $120
State & Federal Employees - $50
Table of 10 - $800
Program Sponsorships
Premium EEA Sponsor - $1,300
Includes table of 10, recognition in program booklet and at the event,
EEA Event Sponsor - $500
Includes recognition in program booklet and at the event
Join ACEC-CT In Celebrating Connecticut’s Outstanding Engineering Projects
This program offers our award winners a well-deserved recognition from their peers. CT EEA winners will qualify for the National Event which is the academy awards of the engineering industry. Firm staff, clients, consultants and guests are welcome and encouraged to attend.
ACEC-CT Members & EEA Project Owners- $90
Non-ACEC-CT Members - $120
State & Federal Employees - $50
Table of 10 - $800
Program Sponsorships
Premium EEA Sponsor - $1,300
Includes table of 10, recognition in program booklet and at the event,
EEA Event Sponsor - $500
Includes recognition in program booklet and at the event
2024 ACEC-CT Engineering Excellence Award Winners
Clough, Harbour & Associates (CHA)
Windham Bridges - Windham, CT
Michael Baker International
Pawtucket-Central Falls Transit Center - Pawtucket, RI
Reconstruction of I-95 Interchange 33 Stratford, CT
Tighe & Bond
Vernon Water Pollution Control Facility Upgrade Project
Vernon, CT
2024 ACEC-CT Merit Award Winners
AI Engineers
CTDOT Reconstruction of
Interchange 33 on I-95
Stratford, CT
Alfred Benesch & Company
Replacement of the Davis Avenue BridgeGreenwich, CT
SLR International Corporation
Cove River Tidal Marsh Restoration & Public Park Improvements
West Haven, CT
Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. (VHB)
Bogue Road Bridge Rehabilitation Torrington, CT